Mannville-minburn-innisfree family & community support services

Value Statement

FCSS works to enable residents of Mannville, Minburn and Innisfree to build a satisfactory quality of life through the provision of a range of affordable core services and programs that are based on our Community needs.

Statement of Need

Individuals, families, and communities of Mannville, Minburn and Innisfree are in need of preventive social supports to build a satisfactory quality of life.
The FCSS Program requires supports from the municipalities in order to provide quality programs.


Organizational Goals:
  1. FCSS is guided by the Province’s Accountability Framework and Provincial FCSS Act & Regulations, Municipal Strategic Plans, and will include Federal Strategies.
  2. FCSS responds to the changing community needs in a creative, innovative and professional manner.
  3. The FCSS environment is safe, supportive and empowering.
  4. FCSS collaborates with other municipal departments to achieve mutual goals.
  5. In order to deliver best value, FCSS programs and services is guided by Outcome Measurement planning cycles annually
Service Goals
  1. Individuals and families make a difference in their quality of life through accessing preventive social and support services.
  2. The community has the capacity to address social issues.
Service Goals
  1. Individuals and families make a difference in their quality of life through accessing preventive social and support services.
  2. The community has the capacity to address social issues.




  1. Promote, encourage, and facilitate the involvement of volunteers.
  2. Promote efficient and effective use of resources
  3. Encourage and facilitate cooperation and coordination with allied service agencies.
  4. Promote, encourage, and facilitate the development of strong and healthy communities
  5. Promote citizen participation in planning, delivery, and evaluation of programs and services.
  6. Provide preventative services that enhance social well-being.


  1. A community’s most valuable resources are its people. Investments made in developing and supporting people pay dividends in all areas of community life.

  2. Investments in prevention and early intervention result in healthier communities.

  3. Volunteerism is linked to positive outcomes for individuals and community.

  4. Partnerships/alliances are fundamental to building community capacity.

  5. The Municipality can promote healthy individuals, families and communities by providing preventive social programs and services.

  6. The M-M-I F.C.S.S. is best able to determine its own needs.

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