public works department
The Village of Mannville Public Works Department is responsible for a wide variety of Village issues most of which are listed below:
- Water and sewer
- Garbage
- Roadways and alleys
- Snow plowing and removal
- Parks and recreation
- Summer student employment
- Cemetery

Water & Sewer
Mannville’s water effective November 20, 2013 is supplied with Alberta Central East (ACE) water system.
Mannville sewer is gravity flow to the lagoon located north-east of the Village.
Garbage & Recycling
Pick up day for everybody is Wednesday.
Used oil, filters, oil jugs and batteries can be recycled at UFA in Mannville.
Electronics Waste Recycling
Electronics can be dropped off at the East Regional Waste Transfer Station
East Regional Waste Transfer Station
The County of Minburn No. 27 along with their partners, the Village of Mannville, and Village of Innisfree announce the opening of the new East Regional Waste Transfer Station.
The site is located 1.5 miles west of the Village of Mannville on Mannville Road and Range Road 92.
Used oil filters, oil jugs and batteries can be recycled at UFA in Mannville.
Blue bag recycling pick up first and third Tuesday’s of every month. Please have bags out at 7 am for pick up.

Roadways & Alleys
Public Works is responsible for maintaining the asphalt roads by crack-filling and the gravel roads and other graveled areas by grading as required.
Snow plowing is done whenever required. Main street is done first and the snow is hauled away. Second priority is the Avenues and third priority is the residential areas. Sanding is done whenever required.
Contact Information
Public Works Shop
Village Office
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
7:30 AM to 12:00 PM
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM