Each year council, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and staff work together to develop the Village of Mannville’s budget. The annual budget is the result of significant public consultation and strategic planning by the Village and can be considered the financial road map of how the Village’s will achieve the community’s vision of “providing an inviting, safe, progressive Community that embraces the small Village quality of life”.
The Village’s service delivery is limited by the amount of resources available, and the budget process helps determine which objectives will produce the greatest positive impact in the community and therefore have the highest priority.

2024 Budget(s)
The Village of Mannville’s 2024 Operational & Capital Budgets were approved by Council on April 16, 2024.
Please contact the Village of Mannville Administration Office should you wish to view the 2024 Operating & Capital Budget(s).
Audited Financial Statement(s)
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires that every Alberta municipality complete annual audited financial statements, a copy of which mist be submitted to Municipal Affairs, by May 1 of each year. The financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for municipal governments in Canada.
Financial Statements provide information on a municipality’s financial position in terms of its assets and liabilities, its net debt, its accumulated surplus or deficit, and its tangible capital assets and other non-financial assets. Financial statements also provide a meaningful summary of the sources, allocation and consumption of municipal economic resources, how the activities of the period have affect the municipality’s net debt, how municipal activities were financed, and how cash requirements were met. Each indicator gives the readers of the financial statement information about the status of the municipality’s finances.
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