Animal Services
Pursuant to Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792, all residents of the Village of Mannville that are the owner of a dog and/or cat, apparently or actually over the age of six (6) months of age shall, prior to March 1st in each calendar year, for each dog or cat owned, register such dog or cat with the Municipal Administrator and shall pay an annual license fee if not in possession of a lifetime registration.
If you are interested in registering your animal(s) with the Village of Mannville, please complete the forms listed below:
Cat Licensing

Private residences within a residential area, shall be limited to three (3) of any one species or combination of different species thereof (S. 11.11 Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792).
Dog Licensing
No owner shall own, possess, keep, harbor, or have care or control of more than three (3) dogs that by nature of their size, breed, disposition, or for any other reason are sheltered or fed or exercised or otherwise kept on a property (S. 5.5 Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792).

Keeping of Chickens in Urban Areas

The Village of Mannville permits residents to keep no more than five (5) Urban Chickens within the Village of Mannville municipal boundary (S. 5 Chicken Bylaw 2015-808).
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many animals are allowed per household?
Pursuant to section 11.11 of the Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792 animals within the Village of Mannville boundaries in private residences within a residential area, shall be limited in number to three (3) in total of any one species or combination of different species thereof.
What are the benefits of licensing my animals?
All dogs and cats six (6) months or older must have a valid pet license and identification tags. This allows the Village of Mannville to contact you if your pet gets lost and/or picked up by animal control.
What do I do if my animals has ran away?
Contact the Village of Mannville Administration Office immediately to advise that your animal is missing or lost. Village staff will ask for a brief description and special characteristics of the animal, to help the Bylaw Enforcement Officer identify and locate the missing animal.
If your animal has went missing, or is lost, and you have NOT notified the Village of Mannville, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer may seize the animal found at large, and deliver such animal to the Municipality Pound for impoundment.
Please note, repeat offenders will be fined pursuant to Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792 Schedule “1”.
What do I do when a nuisance animal is on my property?
Pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792, “no person shall allow any animal to run-at-large within the municipal boundaries of the Village of Mannville…” Additionally, Section 4.1 states that “no owner shall cause, or allow or permit another person to cause, their animal to be on any property not their own, unless: a leash of sufficient strength to restrain the animal is securely attached to the animal, and the leash is being held by a person able to restrain the animal, or the leash is securely tied to a stationary object that cannot be moved by the animal, and the animal cannot interfere with normal human traffic…”
If you, or someone you know, has a nuisance animal on your property, please contact the Village of Mannville Administration Office immediately.
Can I let my animal wonder without a leash?
No. Section 7.1 of the Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792 states “No person shall allow any animal to run-at-large within the municipal boundaries…” of the Village of Mannville.
If your animal is at-large, any person may seize the animal found at large and deliver the animal to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer, or municipality, for impoundment.
Fines will be issued to the owners pursuant to Schedule “1” of the Animal Control Bylaw 2013-792.