municipal elections
Next Municipal Election – October 20, 2025
General Municipal Elections
General Municipal Elections in Alberta are held every four (4) years. Village of Mannville voters elect five (5) Councillors to a four (4) year term.
The Village of Mannville is required to follow the procedures outlined in the Local Authorities Election (LAEA). Although, further policies or bylaws can be created to assist the voters, candidates, and scrutineers alike.
Elections for our local school boards, occur on the same day as our municipal election.
Changes to Local Election Rules under the Local Authority Election Act effective October 31, 2024 [CLICK HERE].
The next municipal election will be held on Monday, October 20, 2025.
2025 Municipal Election
To view the official candidate list, please follow this link:
Nomination Day:
September 22, 2025 (10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) at the Village of Mannville Administration Office (5127 – 50 Street).
Advance Poll:
Municipal Election Day:
October 20, 2025 (10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) at the Mannville Recreation Centre
For Candidates
- An individual who intends to be nominated or has been nominated to run in a local jurisdiction as a candidate must give written notice to the local jurisdiction in which the individual intends to be or has been nominated. To access a copy of the Notice of Intent form, please click [HERE].
- To pick up a Nomination Package for the 2025 Municipal Election, please contact the Returning Officer at 780-763-3500.
- Considering running for municipal office? To access a copy of the Candidate’s Information Package, please click [HERE].
- To access a copy of the Local Authorities Election Act, please follow this link: Local Authorities Election Act (PDF)
- The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has released a guide for women running for municipal office. To access this guide, please click [HERE].
- To view the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP) regarding elections, please visit this link: FOIPP Act (PDF)
For Voters:
A person is eligible to vote in the municipal election if the person is:
- is at least 18 years old;
- is a Canadian Citizen;
- has resided in Alberta for the 6 consecutive months immediately preceding election day and the person’s place of residence is located in the area on election day; and
- one (1) piece of government issued photo identification.
Polling Station:
Mannville Recreation Centre (5202 – 52 Avenue)
Five (5) Councillors will be elected for a four (4) year term.
2021 Election Results
Candidate | No. of Votes | Elected (X) |
Bielesch, Shantell | 131 | X |
Gorniak, Dwayne | 104 | |
Jackson, Jim | 139 | X |
Lanovaz, Jocelyne | 145 | X |
Lyster, Danny | 131 | X |
Smith, Rex | 156 | X |
2017 Election Results
Candidate | No. of Votes | Elected (X) |
Betz, Deborah | 106 | |
Bielesch, Shantell | 126 | X |
Gorniak, Rosella | 81 | |
Jackson, Jim | 151 | X |
Lanovaz, Jocelyne | 182 | X |
McLuckie, Jill | 131 | X |
Smith, Rex | 200 | X |
Yake, David | 54 |
Frequently Asked Questions?
How to become a candidate?
Section 21 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) states that a qualified candidate must be:
- a person that is eligible to vote in that election;
- a person that has been a resident of the Village of Mannville for six (6) consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day (September 22, 2025).
Am I ineligible to become a candidate?
Check Eligibility:
Are you ineligible to be a candidate in the upcoming election? (See Section 22: Ineligibility of the LAEA)
- a person is the auditor of the Village of Mannville;
- A person is an employee of the Village of Mannville for which the election is to be held unless the person takes a leave of absence;
- A person is indebted to the Village of Mannville of which the person is an election for taxes in default exceeding $50.00;
- A person is indebted to the Village of Mannville for which the election is to be held for any debt exceeding $500 and in default for more than 90 days;
- a person as, within the previous 10 years, been convicted of an offence under the LAEA, the Elections Act, the Election Finances and Contributions Discloser Act or the Canada Elections Act.
When does nomination period start?
The nomination period for the next general election is between January 1, 2025 until September 22, 2025 (12:00 NOON). As January 1st is a statutory holiday, nominations can be received starting January 2, 2025 at the Village of Mannville Administration Office.
What do I need to know about campaign finances?
The Village of Mannville recommends that all candidates review and understand the rules & regulations for campaign contributions and expenses. Section 5.1: Election Finances and Contribution Disclosure of the Local Authorities Election Act.
Pursuant to Section 143 of the Local Authorities Election Act, registered candidates shall:
- open a bank account (at time of nomination or after receiving $1,000 in contributions;
- Record contributions and expenditures;
- Issue receipts for contributions; and
- Submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement (required by all candidates whether elected or not) to the Local Authority (Village of Mannville) by no later than March 1 immediately following the municipal election.
* Failure of a candidate to comply can lead to a penalty.
* Candidates MUST file their nominations papers to the Returning Officer prior to accepting any contributions.
Limitations on Contributors
- only an individual who ordinarily resides in Alberta;
- No prohibited organizations and no individuals ordinarily residents outside of Alberta;
- Limit of $5,000 per contributor;
- Limit of $10,000 of own contribution.
Complaints about campaign finance activities related to candidates and third party advertisers can be made to the Alberta Election Commissioner. Learn more about Elections Alberta compliance and enforcement.
Candidates are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice to ensure they understand their obligations under this section.
What is a scrutineer?
Scrutineers may be appointed by candidates to observe during the Advance Cote and on Election Day. Scrutineers must be 18 years of age or older. A person convicted of an offence under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Elections Act, or the Canada Elections Act in the past 10 years cannot be a scrutineer.
Scrutineers may observe election process except for voters marking their ballots. Scrutineers may attend more than one voting station. Scrutineers cannot vouch for a person to validate their identity and address.
A candidate can have one scrutineer in a voting station at a time. The candidate, their official agent and a scrutineer cannot be in a voting station at the same time (one one person at a time). The scrutineer does not have to remain at the voting station during the whole of voting hours. A scrutineer may change throughout the day. A scrutineer may come and go from the voting station.
The candidate and their official agent or scrutineer are not permitted to be in the voting station at the same time during the voting hours or ballot counting. If a candidate or their agent wishes to speak with the scrutineer, it must be outside of the voting station.
Candidates, their official agent or scrutineer mist be present in the coting station before 8:00 p.m. if they wish to view the tallying of the ballots. NO ONE is permitted to enter the voting station after 8:00 p.m.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming election, please contact the Returning Officer for the Village of Mannville at 780-763-3500 or via email: